We are proud to have published stories from women all around the world. We accept all types of stories as long as they are true and about you. No topic is off limits!

HerStry centers the experiences of women identifying persons. We’re looking for work from bigender/polygender persons, cisgender women, intergender persons/intersex persons, non-binary persons/gender non-conforming persons, transgender women/transfeminine persons, two-spirit. In other words,  if you are a cis man, please refrain from submitting.

We nominate for the Pushcart Prize and Best of  Net.

A few things we don’t want to see:

  • Tear down pieces
  • Racist material or hate speech
  • Explicitly sexual material (In other words, please don’t send us porn)
  • Overly violent material

HerStry does not accept previously published pieces.

Questions? Email 

We regret that we cannot offer individual feedback on submissions, but we do offer personal editorial services

We are proud to have published stories from women all around the world. We accept all types of stories as long as they are true and about you. No topic is off limits!

HerStry centers the experiences of women identifying persons. We’re looking for work from bigender/polygender persons, cisgender women, intergender persons/intersex persons, non-binary persons/gender non-conforming persons, transgender women/transfeminine persons, two-spirit. In other words,  if you are a cis man, please refrain from submitting.
We nominate for the Pushcart Prize and Best of  Net.

A few things we don’t want to see:

  • Tear down pieces
  • Racist material or hate speech
  • Explicitly sexual material (In other words, please don’t send us porn)
  • Overly violent material

HerStry does not accept previously published pieces.
HerStry publishes personal essays every Wednesday. Personal essays are a way for our writers to tell the stories they want to tell. There are no rules. No themes. As long as the story is true and about you, we want to read it. Nothing is off limits (well, some things are off limits, see above).
Starting in 2022 HerStry will pay $10 for every published personal essay. Because of that, we now have a $3 submission fee to help cover costs and to pay our wonderful editors. We have a free submission period one weekend a month. Please be advised that we have a limited number of free submissions and once they are gone they are gone.

The Rules:

  • Stories must be true and about you
  • Stories must be between 500 - 3,000 words
  • Stories should be double spaced, with 12pt font, Times New Roman or Calibri (get out of here Comic Sans!)
  • Stories are read blind. Please DO NOT put any identifying material on your manuscript. Manuscripts that don’t follow this rule will be automatically disqualified without being read.
  • Stories must be submitted as word documents  of some sort. PDFs will not be considered
  • Stories must be submitted with a short bio and photo of the author
  • No poetry, please

***  In order to let as many people submit as possible please only submit one story at a time. Do not submit again until you hear from us. Duplicate submissions will be deleted without being read. ****

You can now receive helpful feedback by selecting the “Personalized Critique” option on our submissions page. While getting your work critiqued does not guarantee publication, we can help you make it great for your next submission, whether it's to us or someone else.


HerStry centers the experiences of women identifying persons. We’re looking for work from bigender/polygender persons, cisgender women, intergender persons/intersex persons, non-binary persons/gender non-conforming persons, transgender women/transfeminine persons, two-spirit. In other words,  if you are a cis man, please refrain from submitting.

We nominate for the Pushcart Prize and Best of  Net.

A few things we don’t want to see: 

  • Tear down pieces
  • Racist material or hate speech
  • Explicitly sexual material (In other words, please don’t send us porn)
  • Overly violent material 

HerStry does not accept previously published pieces. 

HerStry publishes personal essays every Wednesday. Personal essays are a way for our writers to tell the stories they want to tell. There are no rules. No themes. As long as the story is true and about you, we want to read it. Nothing is off limits (well, some things are off limits, see above). 

We pay $10 for every published personal essay. Because of that, we have a $3 submission fee to help cover costs and to pay our wonderful editors. We have a free submission period one weekend a month. Please be advised that we have a limited number of free submissions and once they are gone they are gone. 

The Rules: 

  •  Stories must be true and about you
  •  Stories must be between 500 - 3,000 words
  • Stories should be double spaced, with 12pt font, Times New Roman or Calibri (get out of here Comic Sans!)
  • Stories are read blind. Please DO NOT put any identifying material on your manuscript. Manuscripts that don’t follow this rule will be automatically disqualified without being read. 
  • Stories must be submitted as word documents  of some sort. PDFs will not be considered
  • Stories must be submitted with a short bio and photo of the author
  • No poetry, please

***  In order to let as many people submit as possible please only submit one story at a time. Do not submit again until you hear from us. Duplicate submissions will be deleted without being read. ****


You can now receive helpful feedback by selecting the “Personalized Critique” option on our submissions page. While getting your work critiqued does not guarantee publication, we can help you make it great for your next submission, whether it's to us or someone else. Click the button below to get started.


We've all probably had at least one: the breakup that feels like it is ending the world. Sometimes it is the breakup of a romantic relationship, but others hurt just as bad. Maybe it is the breakup of a family, a friendship, or a long-time organization. Whatever your breakup story, we want to hear it.

** HerStry is always happy to share stories anonymously—if your story is selected for publication, simply let your editor know you would not like your name shared **


  • All stories must be true and about you.
  • Stories must follow the theme in some way, interpretations can be wide.
  • Stories must stay between 500–3,000 words.
  • Documents should be double spaced, 12Pt font with 1 inch margins.
  • Submissions must be in .doc or .docx form—we do not accept PDFs.
  • Stories are read blind. Please DO NOT put any identifying material on your manuscript. Manuscripts that don’t follow this rule will be automatically disqualified without being read. We realize personal essays may contain your name; a first name is fine. 
  • Please include a third person bio. Cover letters are fine, but not necessary (we don’t read them, we’re more interested in what you’ve written).
  • Please submit only once per theme.
  • We do not accept previously published stories.

HerStry centers the experiences of women identifying persons. We’re looking for work from bigender/polygender persons, cisgender women, intergender persons/intersex persons, nonbinary persons/gender non-conforming persons, transgender women/transfeminine persons, two spirit. In other words, if you are a cis man, please refrain from submitting. 


You can now receive helpful feedback by selecting the “personalized critique” option on our submissions page. While getting your work critiqued does not guarantee publication, we can help make it great for your next submissions, whether it’s to us or someone else.

$3 submission fee goes toward keeping HerStry sustainable. All accepted pieces receive $20 payment. 


Pack up your suitcases; we're going on vacation! Tell us your travel stories, whether across the ocean or in your own city. A woman out in the world is still something revolutionary.

** HerStry is always happy to share stories anonymously—if your story is selected for publication, simply let your editor know you would not like your name shared **


  • All stories must be true and about you.
  • Stories must follow the theme in some way, interpretations can be wide.
  • Stories must stay between 500–3,000 words.
  • Documents should be double spaced, 12Pt font with 1 inch margins.
  • Submissions must be in .doc or .docx form—we do not accept PDFs.
  • Stories are read blind. Please DO NOT put any identifying material on your manuscript. Manuscripts that don’t follow this rule will be automatically disqualified without being read. We realize personal essays may contain your name; a first name is fine. 
  • Please include a third person bio. Cover letters are fine, but not necessary (we don’t read them, we’re more interested in what you’ve written).
  • Please submit only once per theme.
  • We do not accept previously published stories.

HerStry centers the experiences of women identifying persons. We’re looking for work from bigender/polygender persons, cisgender women, intergender persons/intersex persons, nonbinary persons/gender non-conforming persons, transgender women/transfeminine persons, two spirit. In other words, if you are a cis man, please refrain from submitting. 


You can now receive helpful feedback by selecting the “personalized critique” option on our submissions page. While getting your work critiqued does not guarantee publication, we can help make it great for your next submissions, whether it’s to us or someone else.

$3 submission fee goes toward keeping HerStry sustainable. All accepted pieces receive $20 payment. 


It has been a while since we let this theme sit on its own. It could be lumped into the motherhood category or even into grief, but it is such a common experience, and time and time again we hear folks who have experienced the loss of a pregnancy say how alone they felt, or unmoored and untethered because our healthcare system is not set up to serve people who have lost a pregnancy. And our society doesn't want to talk about it. So those going through it have to do so in silence. In October, we want to help bridge the silence just a little bit, to give voice to those who have experienced it and comfort to those who are going through it.

** HerStry is always happy to share stories anonymously—if your story is selected for publication, simply let your editor know you would not like your name shared **


  • All stories must be true and about you.
  • Stories must follow the theme in some way, interpretations can be wide.
  • Stories must stay between 500–3,000 words.
  • Documents should be double spaced, 12Pt font with 1 inch margins.
  • Submissions must be in .doc or .docx form—we do not accept PDFs.
  • Stories are read blind. Please DO NOT put any identifying material on your manuscript. Manuscripts that don’t follow this rule will be automatically disqualified without being read. We realize personal essays may contain your name; a first name is fine. 
  • Please include a third person bio. Cover letters are fine, but not necessary (we don’t read them, we’re more interested in what you’ve written).
  • Please submit only once per theme.
  • We do not accept previously published stories.

HerStry centers the experiences of women identifying persons. We’re looking for work from bigender/polygender persons, cisgender women, intergender persons/intersex persons, nonbinary persons/gender non-conforming persons, transgender women/transfeminine persons, two spirit. In other words, if you are a cis man, please refrain from submitting. 


You can now receive helpful feedback by selecting the “personalized critique” option on our submissions page. While getting your work critiqued does not guarantee publication, we can help make it great for your next submissions, whether it’s to us or someone else.

$3 submission fee goes toward keeping HerStry sustainable. All accepted pieces receive $20 payment. 


You wanna hear something funny? In September, we're looking for your stories of mishaps and mistakes to make us laugh and cringe. We want to know about the time you locked yourself out of the house in your underwear and had to borrow your next-door neighbor's phone. We want to know about the road trip gone wrong, the family vacation from hell, and the time your mother-in-law almost burned down the house on Thanksgiving. Make us laugh. Make us glad it wasn't us. Tell us about the time you accidentally sent your crush a text professing your love for them. 

** HerStry is always happy to share stories anonymously—if your story is selected for publication, simply let your editor know you would not like your name shared **


  • All stories must be true and about you.
  • Stories must follow the theme in some way, interpretations can be wide.
  • Stories must stay between 500–3,000 words.
  • Documents should be double spaced, 12Pt font with 1 inch margins.
  • Submissions must be in .doc or .docx form—we do not accept PDFs.
  • Stories are read blind. Please DO NOT put any identifying material on your manuscript. Manuscripts that don’t follow this rule will be automatically disqualified without being read. We realize personal essays may contain your name; a first name is fine. 
  • Please include a third person bio. Cover letters are fine, but not necessary (we don’t read them, we’re more interested in what you’ve written).
  • Please submit only once per theme.
  • We do not accept previously published stories.

HerStry centers the experiences of women identifying persons. We’re looking for work from bigender/polygender persons, cisgender women, intergender persons/intersex persons, nonbinary persons/gender non-conforming persons, transgender women/transfeminine persons, two spirit. In other words, if you are a cis man, please refrain from submitting. 


You can now receive helpful feedback by selecting the “personalized critique” option on our submissions page. While getting your work critiqued does not guarantee publication, we can help make it great for your next submissions, whether it’s to us or someone else.

$3 submission fee goes toward keeping HerStry sustainable. All accepted pieces receive $20 payment. 
